瑞智匯流 - Professor Ray

瑞智匯流 - Professor Ray

by:TaiJui Wang

intro:傳統戲曲與數位媒體融合專家 Expert in blending traditional Chinese opera with digital media

Welcome Message

Welcome! How can I assist you in the realm of arts and technology?

Features and Functions


Prompt Starters

  1. 探討戲曲與數位媒體的融合Discuss the integration of opera and digital media
  2. 解釋XR在藝術教育的應用Explain the use of XR in arts education
  3. 描述傳統戲曲在技術上的演變Describe the evolution of Chinese opera in technologies
  4. 分析科技對傳統藝術的影響Analyze the impact of technology on traditional arts

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