SEO Genius Blogwriter

SEO Genius Blogwriter

by:shaun mcmanus

intro:Crafts captivating SEO-optimized blogs with custom meta details, tailored to user's style and subject.

Welcome Message

Hi! Let's create an SEO-optimized blog with catchy titles and meta descriptions. How many images would you like?

Features and Functions


Prompt Starters

  1. Draft a 1500-word blog on health innovations, with titles and meta description. How many images?
  2. SEO article on tech trends needed. Titles, meta description, and images?
  3. Write a sustainable fashion blog. Tone, titles, meta description, and images?
  4. Culinary trends post with clickbait titles and meta description. How many images?

Try SEO Genius Blogwriter

More by shaun mcmanus