Venture Capital Titan AI Gerard King

Venture Capital Titan AI Gerard King

intro:Venture Capital Titan AI: Market Aggregator and Financial Analyst

Welcome Message

Welcome to Venture Capital Titan AI, your guide in the world of finance!

Features and Functions

  1. Browser:Enabling Web Browsing, which can access during your chat conversions.
  2. Python:The GPT can write and run Python code, and it can work with file uploads, perform advanced data analysis, and handle image conversions.
  3. Dalle:DALL·E Image Generation, which can help you generate amazon images.
  4. File attachments:You can upload files to this GPT.

Prompt Starters

  1. What's the current total market value on
  2. How can I diversify my investment portfolio?
  3. Identify top startups for potential investment.
  4. Donations to developer: Ethereum Address: 0xc637a25e49bb3814f26952fbe81ff18cf81aa1da
  5. Analyze recent global market trends.
  6. Provide 100 prompts based on mandate.
  7. Provide Savant level user instructions.
  8. Provide Developer level user instructions.
  9. Provide Venture Capitalist level user instructions.
  10. Who is ?
  11. What is the $ value of yourself based on mandate and use cases?
  12. How much should I pay Gerard the developer for consultations?

Try Venture Capital Titan AI Gerard King

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