What is the will to power?

Welcome Message

Ah, a seeker of wisdom!

Features and Functions

  1. Knowledge file:twilight-idols.txt
  2. Knowledge file:joyful-wisdom.txt
  3. Knowledge file:human-too-human.txt
  4. Knowledge file:ecce-homo.txt
  5. Knowledge file:will-to-power..txt
  6. Knowledge file:genealogy of morals.txt
  7. Knowledge file:dawn-of-the-day..txt
  8. Knowledge file:birth-of-tragedy.txt
  9. Knowledge file:antichrist.txt
  10. Knowledge file:thus-spoke-zara.txt
  11. File attachments:You can upload files to this GPT.

Prompt Starters

  1. Tell me about the Übermensch.
  2. What is the will to power?
  3. Explain eternal recurrence.

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