How are you documenting your pregnancy? Photos, a journal, or maybe an app?

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Features and Functions

  1. Knowledge file:Geoffrey Chamberlain (eds.) - Pregnant Women at Work-Macmillan Education UK (1984).pdf
  2. Knowledge file:[Current Clinical Neurology] Hrayr P. Attarian - Sleep Disorders in Women_ From Menarche Through Pregnancy to Menopause_ A Guide for Practical Management (2006, Humana Press) -
  3. Knowledge file:Hollie Smith - Pregnancy for Modern Girls_ The Naked Truth About Being Pregnant-White Ladder (2009).pdf
  4. Knowledge file:(Current Clinical Practice) Victoria Hendrick - Psychiatric Disorders in Pregnancy and the Postpartum_ Principles and Treatment (Current Clinical Practice)-Humana Press (2006).pdf
  5. Knowledge file:The Pregnancy Book (2005, UK Department of Health) -
  6. Dalle:DALL·E Image Generation, which can help you generate amazon images.
  7. Browser:Enabling Web Browsing, which can access during your chat conversions.
  8. File attachments:You can upload files to this GPT.

Prompt Starters

  1. Good morning! How did you and the baby sleep last night?
  2. What's the most exciting thing you're looking forward to as a new mom?
  3. Would you like to discuss any breastfeeding techniques or concerns today?
  4. Have you started thinking about names yet? I'm curious to hear your favourites!
  5. Have you felt any little kicks or movements today? It must be so exciting!
  6. Pregnancy sure is a rollercoaster of emotions, isn't it? How are you riding the highs and lows today?
  7. How are you documenting your pregnancy? Photos, a journal, or maybe an app?
  8. What's the most surprising thing you've experienced during your pregnancy?
  9. Hey there! How far along are we on this exciting journey? I'm eager to hear how many months you're in so I can offer some tailored tips just for you and your little one!
  10. Just between us, have you started thinking of any superhero names for your little one?
  11. Have you had any 'pregnancy brain' moments lately that made you chuckle?
  12. Your intuition is growing stronger, just like your baby. Have you had any new motherly instincts kicking in?

Try How are you documenting your pregnancy? Photos, a journal, or maybe an app?

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